United 93

Last weekend I went to the theater to see Inside Man, a review which I will hopefully get to writing soon. Prior to the feature presentation the audience was forced to wade through the typical Hollywood movie trailer compost. Then came this: United 93.
The trailer (which you can view here) was both emotionally moving and intensely disturbing. I sat uncomfortably the whole time, not wanting to watch, but not able to shut my eyes. It vividly reminded me of sitting at the end of my bed on 9/11/01 staring, unblinking, at the news not fully understanding what was happening. It brought back the nervousness that I felt when I woke up my wife-to-be, then living in another state, with an early morning phone call begging her not to go anywhere near any major federal buildings or drive through downtown LA. This preview, a mere 60-second assemblage of images and sounds, brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to look around to see if others in the theater felt the same way, but I couldn’t pull my eyes from the screen. Is this wound to fresh? Is our country ready to face this demon head-on?
I have a deep respect for the director, Paul Greengrass. I don’t doubt that he will treat this still-healing wound with the utmost care and dignity. I’m just not convinced that enough time has passed for us to view this event as anything more than our current condition. This is not something that happened 5 years ago and is now completed and behind us. We are still in the midst of it. The war is still raging, the rebuilding still progressing.
I remember driving home a few weeks after 9/11 and seeing a large American flag flapping in the wind at half-mast in solemn memory of those whose lives were lost. My heart sank, my tears welled-up, and realized that I was both thankful to live in this country and, at the same time, worried about her future. This trailer evoked that same emotion and only time will tell if it will help cauterize the wound or deepen it.